5 Top Tips to Instagram for Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprentices

Top Tip 1 – Post Colourful Photos, Videos and Interesting Content

When using Instagram you should be providing high-quality value to your followers This helps with engagement and boosts interaction. When you post to Instagram your vision should be to publish photos, videos and reels that evoke emotion and connect with your audience. When your followers feel emotion such as happiness, motivation, humour and even sadness, the content you put out provides value especially when using high-quality photos with a range of colours, these tend to get the most engagement. After all, the main purpose of Instagram is to show off photos, videos and offer inspiration for your followers so including bad quality photos with a limitation on colour won’t achieve that. 

Top Tip 2 – Post Often on Instagram to Keep Followers Interested

As a Digital Marketer, you should make sure you are posting regularly on Instagram. This is to ensure your followers are engaged, posting new content on a regular basis helps with engagement and users are more likely to interact with your feed. However, this does not mean that you should be flooding your Instagram feed with pointless content that offers no value to your followers but posting once a day or at least every other day will be frequent enough to keep your current followers interested. If you go long periods of time without posting on Instagram, don’t be surprised if you lose a few followers. Your audience should gain a sense of trust so posting regularly helps with this.

Top Tip 3 – Post Regular Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are great for interaction! Copying Snapchat’s feature stories are a great way to provide in-the-moment content to your followers. By posting stories helps with a number of things such as engagement, interaction and also provides a trust factor for your followers. Instagram stories come in the form of both photos and videos and they automatically disappear after 24 hours. You can view them at the top of your feed 9 (the circular bubbles). Stories offer a casual way to connect share and interact with your followers you can post features such as questionnaires, polls, boomerangs, caption your photos with music or simply just post a photo or video! Instagram stories have become so popular that Twitter has taken the hint and has started the same trend!

Picture of digital marketing sign with people sitting at the table

Top Tip 4 – Don’t be tempted to buy Instagram followers

There’s a lot of excitement around buying Instagram followers but this is the worst thing you can do. Buying Instagram followers may look good visually however, it shows inauthenticity and will look strange to your current and potential followers. When you have 20,000 followers but few likes and views on your photos and videos, something is not right! It’s fake and inactive and will it make it hard for your clients to trust you. Stick to real engagement and utilise Instagram to your best potential, the app will reward you back.

Top Tip 5 – Interact with your followers on Instagram

When using Instagram never ignore your loyal followers regularly like and comment with your photos, videos and reels. Make sure you always reply not only will this help with engagement on your profile but you will gain a relationship with your followers. Let them know you value them after all; they’re appreciating the content you put out! To overcome the dreaded Instagram algorithm this step is vital!

A picture of a phone surrounding with symbols that showcase Instagram engagement

That’s a wrap..

As you can see, Instagram is a very powerful digital marketing tool for businesses, and when used well Instagram can help your brand’s following and engagement. These Top 5 tips when using Instagram for digtial marketers is just the basics and there is so much more to cover when using Instagram. For instance, overcoming Instagram’s algorithim, the power of using reels and videos in the new update and many other top tips. If you want to find out more about Instagram and how it can help you in your Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship, then sign up for our mail

and it can really help your brand get out there if utilised well. There are much more than just these Top 5 Tips for using Facebook in your Level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship. We haven’t covered the analytics tool and Facebook advertising, so If you’d like to find out more about Facebook and how it can help in you Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship, then sign up for our mailing list here.