Level 2 Fisher Apprenticeship

Looking to be at sea? Why not take an uncoventional path with an Apprenticeship in Fishery! Here at ApprenticeTips we have a great range of employers offering both onshore and offshore apprentices!

The Role

Duration: 18months + 2months EPA period

Qualification: National Federation of Fisherman’s Organisation (NFFO) for Individual Membership

Maximum Funding: £10,000

Category: Agriculture, Environmental & Animal

The broad purpose of this occupation is to sustainably harvest fish and shellfish. With each boat operating differently, due to catching methods or operating in shore of offshore, this Apprenticeship never has two days the same! From being at sea for a few hours, or spending a week on the boat, it is super exciting! From being at sea for a few hours, or spending a week on the boat, it is super exciting!

As a Fisher the main responsibility is to maintain the boat, which has important rules such as complying with maritime and safety regulations. The Fisher also gets to communicate with a wide range of individuals both onshore and offshore from Enforcement officers to fish market employees.

Skills & Knowledge Requirements

There are many skills needed to be a great candidate for a Fisher Apprenticeship.

Great communication is especially important, due to working within a team. Making sure everyone understands and is all working towards the same goals is super important for safety and efficiency of the boat.

Following instructions and being able to react quickly and positively to feedback are also hugely important. Strong reporting skills are very important when reporting to the boat owner. This may include reporting on the species caught along with the size and weight. This job is very important as this enables the Skipper to comply with regulations and submit live catch data, therefore the Apprentice should be able to offer very accurate information.

The Apprentice must be very diligent and be able to solve problems such as sea condition and the weather changing. Navigation, food preparation and hygiene skills are very important when working on a boat.

Entry Requirements

Every employee has their own entry requirements depending on certain factors such as boat size, fishery, fishing method and operation.

However, employees tend to require employees to have the correct attitude, and the ability to take on the typical practical and solve problems onboard a boat.

Individuals who show passion and willingness to work onboard a boat, sometimes within confined spaces for an extended period, stand out to employers. As well as having a sense of adventure and keenness for the outdoors.

Employers may require the apprentice to be flexible and able to work a range of shifts across different days and times.

This Apprenticeship is a great opportunity, offering in sight into a wide range of specilised roles, as well as being surrounded with individuals with superior knowledge in this field. If you want to find out more information on the qualifiactions and skills needed for this apprenticeship, please click here.