Top 6 Social Media DO’S and DON’TS

Social Media

The prospect of using social media for business can be daunting. However, having a social media presence is something that today’s consumers expect from brands, which means that a lack of it usually rings alarm bells. 

But simply having a social media presence is not enough; you need to know how to use it properly and stay on top of best practices if you want it to impress your customers and yield a strong ROI. When used and managed properly, social media can help boost brand awareness for your business, drive traffic to your website, grow your customer base and even increase revenue.

With these attractive prospects in mind, we have compiled a list of the top 6 social media dos and don’ts to help you avoid common mistakes and get the most out of your social media business profile.

1 – DO set clear goals and objectives

If you’re looking to achieve a strong ROI from your business social media activities then you need to start by setting clear objectives. These should reflect and complement your overall business goals, and can be anything from driving conversions to building brand awareness and improving customer experience. Setting numerical values and deadlines can also help keep you focused – for example, you could set an objective to increase landing page traffic by 20% by the end of the next business quarter.

Without setting clear goals to measure against, you will never truly know if your social media activity is having any tangible effects and, even if it is, you won’t be able to prove it.

2 – DO analyse and track activity

As you’ve set goals and objectives for your social media performance, it follows that you should also have an established system for analysing and tracking your activity and results. There are many different tools and social media management platforms to help you do this, including Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Socialbakers, Google Analytics and, of course, the built-in analytics tools on each social media platform. With these tools you can track everything from engagement (clicks, likes, shares, comments) to referral traffic, assisted conversions and revenue, plus a whole lot more.

Measurement is potentially the most crucial ‘DO’ in using social media for business. It can help you prove your successes, guide future campaigns and pinpoint any failures so you can learn and quickly change direction if necessary.

3 – DO make good use of social media advertising and promoted content

There are two ways to use social media for business: organic (which is free to use and publish) and paid. Paid social media is an extremely cost-effective method of promoting your business, costing a fraction of the price of traditional advertising methods. Paying just a few pounds can significantly boost the reach of your social media posts and content, ensuring it is seen by more of the right people at the right times and in the right places. Assuming the posts you’re promoting contain useful content with clear calls to action, this additional exposure can help drive more conversions and revenue for your business than if you relied on organic social media posts alone.


4 – DON’T overdo it

Posting too often on your business social profiles can be just as harmful as not posting often enough. According to research by Sprout Social, 46% of social media users will unfollow a brand for posting too many promotional messages on their profiles, which means you need to restrict your output or risk losing customers.

5 – DON’T use all social media platforms for the sake of it

Not all platforms are necessarily going to complement or suit your business type, ethos or objectives. You should avoid setting up profiles across all channels just for the sake of having a presence there, as this can dilute your brand and do more harm than good. Know your audience and choose carefully.

6 – DON’T get hung up on numbers  

And finally, you should never get too fixated on numbers when it comes to your business social media profiles. This is where quality over quantity really comes into play. Often the real value is found in the amount of engagement you’re receiving, and the type of people you’re receiving it from. These are the things that can make you the real money, so pay more attention to these instead.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Marine Pilot

Marine Pilot

Job Description of a Marine Pilot

The maritime industry has launched a new set of apprenticeships with roles on ships and in ports. Masters of ships arriving in ports often need assistance to make sure they can enter and exit the port safely. This assistance is provided by marine pilots who are usually required to undertake the following:

  • Physical tasks – Marine Pilots are required to board moving vessels from small high powered launches, often in rough seas. This involves climbing high ladders to access vessel decks.
  • Pilotage planning – before boarding a vessel, the Marine Pilot is required to plan the course of the vessel taking into account tides, weather, size, weight and operational characteristics of the vessel, and if there is a need for tugs.
  • Piloting the vessel – the Marine Pilot will have responsibility for navigating the vessel safely in and out of the harbour. They need to work very closely with the captain and other members of the crew in order to achieve this. They also need to be able to use the ship’s navigational and communications equipment, liaising with both other vessels and the port control centre.

How does the Marine Pilot Apprenticeship work?

You will learn key knowledge from experienced people working in the business, by studying the course modules via distance learning. This knowledge and understanding will be tested by the module student assignments and the final exam (for those wishing to gain the Full Diploma). The course covers key areas that you must understand if you wish to work as a Marine Pilot. Those who have taken the time to study this subject will have shown motivation and forward thinking. This is very appealing to potential employers.

What personality traits would stand you in good stead for these roles?

The requirement to board vessels at sea means that a Marine Pilot needs to be reasonably fit, comfortable working on the water and at height. There may also be some on-call requirement, as well as shift or weekend work. Team work is also a big part of all of this role. Apprentices should be good team players but also self-reliant. They should be assertive, but able to follow instructions.

How will this Apprenticeship help me find a job as a Marine Pilot?

We cannot guarantee that you will find work as a Marine Pilot. But, taking this course will raise your profile on the job market. Key knowledge and understanding, plus the ability to learn, are important factors that employers look for. By taking and passing this course, you will have demonstrated and proven your ability for critical thinking within the framework of a course. For instance, covering all the key aspects of marine pilotage.

The course is taught by working experts with a huge amount of experience and working knowledge. The focus of this course is understanding what you need to know when performing the task of a Marine Pilot. As such, it is invaluable for those wishing to start a career, or highly experienced Marine Pilots looking to update their knowledge and gain a formal qualification.

Will I become a qualified Pilot upon successful completion?

No. You will still need to meet the requirements of individual employers in terms of their operating and training standards. But, as explained, this course will certainly help.

Entry Requirements + Information about Apprenticeships

Whilst requirements differ per applicant per employer, typically it is required for candidates to have Level 2 English and Maths. If they do not have these qualifications they will need to achieve this level prior to taking their end point assessment.

The duration of this course is typically 3 years long and is a level 5 apprenticeship.


This apprenticeship will be perfect for you if you have an interest in becoming a marine pilot. The course offers you to further your skill set and gives you the foundation to have a career in this field.