Digital Marketing – Business Environment and Issues

To perform well in digital marketing, you must understand the business and environment, as well as the issues that could occur around it. This post will explain the different areas you should master to be on your way to being a top digital marketer.

Understanding how a Digital Marketing team works

More often than not, every digital marketing team works differently than the other. However, understanding how you can work together effectively is the best way to deliver good results.

In each team you will normally have a range of tasks to complete, so this needs to be shared. Normally, it is the higher members of the team will be the ones speaking to the clients. Whereas the executives in the team work mainly towards developing ad campaigns and delivering the content. Working on this breakdown of tasks between the members in your team is key for success.

Four people having a meeting

What is your Audience searching for?

Similarly to SEO, you can use many methods to figure out what your audience is searching for. To start with, you can search the keyword ‘Digital Marketing’ to see all the results that show up. This will give you a key indication to what your audience is interested in. You can also use tools like ‘Google’s Search Bar’ or ‘Answer the public’ to work out what other common searches your audience are using.

SEO – The best ways to promote and link content

SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization’ is the method of improving the quantity and quality of traffic to a website from search engines. Different practices can help to increase the influx of people clicking through to your website.

For example, separating each product across new pages or blogs is one method as this increases the amount of titles and therefore more chances to show higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). In addition to this, another option would be keyword research in order to get a good understanding of your target audience, what they are searching for and how you can use these keywords and phrases. A good way to do this is through Google Trends. This website shows a breakdown over time for the interest of any keyword.

Being up to date with the latest content

To be up to date with the latest content isn’t just as simple as seeing what’s new on your social media feed, but also why and how this can effect your business. This can include being aware of the latest platform updates or industry changes. So, when these changes come into effect, you are ready for the ways this can change your results or activity. Platform updates can include new ad formats being released, and typically this means they will receive higher engagement due to being different to what the user would normally expect. By being on top of updates like these means you can maximize chances for your business to increase results.

Someone typing on a computer.

Understanding rules of social media

For every social media platform there are rules which are not stated but understood within the marketing world. These rules include:

  • Participation
  • Connection
  • Community
  • Conversions

Participation and Connection relates to how there are millions of social media users, all using the platform. Allowing everyone to have their say through comments or posts is to be expected and this comes with sharing posts. So when you post an ad for your business, you can expect the Community to respond differently whether that be through shares, comments or even reposts. This then links to the final point of Conversions. Conversions, whether that is link clicks or purchases, are good proof to whether your campaign has been successful.

Why does content go viral?

You may see a Tiktok video, or an Instagram post, or another piece of content that has rapidly gained attention over a short period of time and wonder what makes it so special? The answer to that question would simply be, it provides value.

For a piece of content go viral or to have a large number of shares it means that the content is valuable to those who consume it. A key piece of information for a Digital marketer, new or experienced, is that they should understand “The more valuable the content is, the more likely it is to be shared”.

An example of this could be a funny video of an animal falling over. The value behind this video would be that the viewer gets a short burst of serotonin and joy from watching this because they maybe are scrolling through their feed during a break at work where they have had little time to relax. You could try the same test by opening your phone and scrolling through your feed now. You will soon see a pattern between each of the popular posts.

Furthermore, this ideology is what makes a good digital marketer from an okay one. This short burst of joy is what we all crave for. Which is the reason platforms like Tiktok are performing so well.


In conclusion, Digital marketing is a large area with various different parts, features, and people. Understanding it to the fullest is the first step to becoming a great digital marketer.