do's and Don'ts of email marketing imagery

Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

In today’s age, it’s very easy to pick up and start using email marketing within a business due to its cheap cost and its reach potential. However, after using email marketing within my work for just over a year I have some do’s and don’ts that I follow before creating every campaign.

An email icon with two notification on a mobile device


  • Do: Customise your emails: Your email campaigns might be far more successful if you personalise your emails. To make your email more interesting and relevant, use the recipient’s name and other details to increase the chance of the user opening your email.
  • Do: Partition your email list: By segmenting your email list, you can offer your audience more specific communications, an example of this is a pet company if you have one partition for cat owners and one partition for dog owners your open rates will be considerably higher if the information is tailored more towards them which may create more conversions.
  • Do: Make sure your emails are responsive to mobile devices because more individuals now access their emails on their phones. To enhance the likelihood that someone will open and read your emails, make sure they are mobile-friendly.
  • Do: Use an affordable & effective ESP one of the providers I would recommend would be Mailchimp due to its ease of use and highly customisable email creator allowing for complex and streamlined emails.
A figure gives a ‘halt’ gesture to signal not to do something


  • Don’t Spam: Spamming can cause your emails to be labelled as spam and can harm the reputation of your company and will also affect the open rate of your emails. Send emails only to those who have chosen to receive correspondence from you.
  • Don’t add too many images: If your emails take too long to load, your readers may find that it is aggravating. Limit the number of photographs and make sure they are email-friendly.
  • Don’t forget to test: Before sending out emails, always test them. This will assist you in identifying any formatting or technical problems that can compromise the effectiveness of your email campaign.


To sum up, email marketing can be a very efficient approach to connecting with your target market and client base, but to make sure your campaigns are successful, I would recommend you add these do’s and don’ts to your campaign planning regime to ensure a smooth and efficient email marketing campaign rollout with high open rates and happy consumers!

For more email marketing tips visit here