So you keep asking yourself “What is Search Engine Marketing”.

Apprentice Now gets it, you are a busy professional, you know search engine marketing is important but just can’t seem to find the time to get it right. Well, look no further. Apprentice Now has brought you Apprentice Tips. Giving employers first-hand insights into what apprentices can achieve. And even giving hard-working professionals like you the chance to try it for yourself first! Search Engine Marketing is something in the remit of our Digital Marketing Apprentices, but if you aren’t ready to take the plunge just yet, heres how to to it yourself. Introducing our no nonsense guide…

A No-Nonsense Guide to Search Engine Marketing

So here are our hot takes on tips, tricks and hacks. The following will take your digital business presence to the next level. From here we are going to get straight into it. Each paragraph being another business-changing hack!

Say hello to Yoast SEO

Using a content management system? Say hello to “Yoast SEO” or just “Yoast”. Consider Yoast your new colleague. Your new best friend. Yoast is a plug-in which allows a user to define one focused key word per page. From this Yoast gives you feedback and a rating from red to amber to green. This is your SEO rating which essentially means how findable is my web page. From this plug-in you can also easily customise your slug and meta data which also play into you find-ability. So for real time feedback on taking your search engine marketing to the next level – use Yoast. You can thank us later.

Introducing Google Key Word Planner

So you’re a pro at Yoast-SEO – but what now? Once you’ve mastered the user interface and know what you are doing, now you need to make sure that you are focusing on the right keywords. Now welcome, Google Key Word Planner to your marketing team. Google Key Word Planner will allow you to identify what key words to use. The best way to idenitfy key words is to put yourself in the clients head. Say for example you are building a page around TikTok marketing instead of that being your key phrase try something like “How can I use TikTok to improve sales”. The more niche the better, you can use this tool to search your competition. The lower the better for your niches.

Alt Tags, Heading and Links

Quick Fire tips that can boost your search engine marketing:

  • Add Alt tags to your images
    • Describe your image in detail and try to include your key word
  • Links
    • Try to include both out bound and in bound links where relavant
  • Headings
    • Use a heading hierarchy, and where relevant include your key word
  • Artificial
    • Be a person, clients fall in loves with personalities and brands, don’t overuse keywords for the sake of SEO

The power of our apprentices

We guarantee you’ll be seeing results if you implement these hacks. This is the first blog in our new blog series for businesses. Each blog will focus on some hot or trending marketing tips and tricks. Make sure you keep coming back or sign up to our mailing list to not miss out!

Too busy? Too busy to test this out for yourself? Or too busy to keep coming back from our blogs. This sucks! But we get it. Don’t worry – this is the kind of stuff our digital marketing candidates are trained for. Look at expanding your team with an apprentice here.