Top Digital Marketing Tools to Check out

Are you close to starting your new digital marketing role and want to prepare? Or are you simply curious about digital marketing tools and are looking to upskill? Then the tools listed below will be great to add to your skillset. The more tools you are familiar with the more versatile a marketer you will be.


Envelopes fly out of a laptop into the air to demonstrate emails being sent

Beepro is a great email builder that is simple and easy to learn yet provides the complexity to create your emails how you want. You have the option to insert rows, content blocks, HTML code and then when you’re done simply copy the emails HMTL into your email marketing software. Beepro is a simple yet great piece of software that will have you creating lots of emails within a short span of time thanks to its intuitive design. It will go very well with your other email marketing tools.

Google Analytics

Analytics, Google Analytics, Stats

You’ve probably heard of google analytics, the software created by Google that allows you to view the performance of your web pages. For any marketer it’s invaluable. Thankfully Google has created several online courses that you can complete to really familiarise yourself with it. Any kind of data can be seen, from the user’s device to the amount of time they spent on a page. The links people click on are broken down by the UTM source the click originated from. There’s quite a lot to digest with google analytics, but you’ll thank yourself if you take the time to sit down and learn it. You may find it to be one of the best marketing analytics tools around!


Letters lined up spelling SEO

For any SEO marketers out there or people simply needing to do a bit of keyword research, SEMrush is one of the best options. You can search for keywords based on a certain phrase and view their difficulty to rank for, search volume and even user intent! SEMrush will even provide an SEO overview of your site with any technical issues highlighted and various aspects scored. In addition to this, you can also research the backlinks of other websites as well as your own. SEMrush also has its own learning material which covers the many different areas of the tool and will get you up to speed in no time.

Active Campaign

Man typing on computer

Active Campaign is a CRM software that allows you to do many things. It encapsulates your entire database while also including a built-in email marketing software that allows you to create emails (Or import via HTML) and build out audiences via segmentation. You can use the automation tool to build out email automations that trigger when certain conditions are met. For example, if somebody opens an email but doesn’t click a link, you can set up an automation that will send them a follow-up email encouraging them to follow through.

You will find lots of reporting tools here as well that let you check out the performance of your email marketing campaigns and compare any split tests you have done. Once again, training on the software is available and will help you learn about everything this great software can do.


Someone clicking on a Canva ad

Canva is a tool that lets you create simple graphics used for email headers, social media posts and more. You can upload images to use in your creations and alter their colour and effects. There’s plenty of imagery to use within the software itself and the creative ones among you will find lots of value in the options that Canva presents. You can easily share your designs with other people and create folders to organise them as well. 

Hopefully, these digital marketing tools provide useful for upping your marketing game. Check out some more digital apprenticeship-related posts below ⬇️

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Top Tips for Optimising Instagram’s Tools to Grow Your Business

young woman using laptop

Engage and grow with your social media audience.

Instagram is a versatile platform used by many businesses to help improve their online presence and engage with their audience. But are you making the most out of all of Instagram’s tools and features? Not only does Instagram have incredible marketing tools on its own, but there are also platforms to help step up your social media marketing to an extra level.

With a ‘Professional Instagram Account’ you can:

  • Learn about your followers – get insights and see how your posts are performing
  • Reach more people – create promotions on Instagram to help reach more people and build your audience
  • Receive more contacts – adding contact buttons to your profile makes it easier for people to het in touch with you

The basics of a professional account are tools which most are aware of, but how can you use these tools to improve your online presence and build your Instagram audience even more, and how can the other features of Instagram benefit you?

Instagram app social media marketing essential tools


The most obvious tool on Instagram is the posting feature. You can select a post, add a filter, add a caption, and share it to your followers. But there are more ways to make the most of this feature:

  • Canva – a creator tools that will allow you to create specific sized content using templates. Instagram is known for its distinct square posts, and this may cut off some of your content. With Canva you can create content using a blank Instagram post template and view a range of elements or upload your own phots, add text and even animations before saving or posting directly to Instagram from Canva.
  • Hashtags – like SEO for your Instagram. Users can search specifically for hashtags, and posts using these will appear in the search results (much like a website using keywords). You can research keywords and hashtags associated with your business and be sure to add these hashtags to your future posts and make them more discoverable to users. Be sure to limit yourself to twenty hashtags, going over this will actually damage your discoverability. Do not use hashtags which are not relevant to your business or the post as you will not attract a relevant audience.
  • Planoly – if you have trouble finding time to sit and post on Instagram every day, you can use Planoly – a free content planner which will automatically post your content for you. Using tools such as Planoly or similar, allows you to plan your content in advance, add captions and hashtags and even tag other Instagram users and then schedule your post for ‘auto-posting’. Just set a time and a date and Planoly will do the rest for you and as a result you can focus on other elements of your job.
Canva post on Instagram


  • If you know how to use insights correctly then you are on your way to success. But if you just use insights to see how many views you got on your last post, then you can do so much more.
  • See how many likes, comments, shares, and saves you got on your post as well as the accounts reached, content interactions, profile activity and reach. These figures can help you understand what was successful about your post by comparing to other posts. If you have a really successful post and then a post which did not have the same reactions, notice anything you did different. You can even conduct a form of A/B testing, test which elements of a post you think are successful against other elements.
  • Account insights – accounts reach, accounts engaged, and number of total followers can be viewed here. You can compare new insights to old insights and see how your account has grown over a set period of time. You can use insights view the overall success of your account as well as specific information such as your top performing post and follower growth.
  • Set goals – insights are an essential part of setting goals, if you do not know the facts about your account you will not be able to set goals. For example, if you set a goal to increase your followers by 5% in the next 4 weeks, you monitor this goal using insights.


Instagram shop is a great way to sell your items directly through the platform and highlight some of your best products, but it can also be used to promote sales, products and generally market your merchandise. ‘Shop’ can be a paid promotion of its own and users can purchase products straight from the ad. To learn more about how to start selling on Instagram Shop, click the link:

Reels, Live, and Videos

Video content is one of the best ways to improve engagement and reach with organic content alone. Instagram users prefer watching video content to still images. Video content can t=come in the form of a reel, live stream or with video posts.

  • Reels can be up to sixty seconds long and have their own dedicated Instagram section where users can scroll through reels, or they can appear via the explore page or on a home page.
  • Live streams allow users to stream live content right from their Instagram page. Users can invite others to join in with the live stream or even send notifications out to followers about going live. Live is a brilliant way to engage users in latest content and involve them as part of your brand.
  • Videos can be posted on your story or on the main grid of your profile and are a fresh way of adding engaging content to your profile.

Use Instagram tools to optimise your social media marketing and go beyond the idea of just follows and likes and make your business shine above the rest.

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