Handshake at Level 3 Digital Marketing apprenticeship interview

Top 5 Interview Tips for your Dream Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

Are you preparing for your dream level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship interview? Want to get a boost ahead of other candidates for the role? Here are the top 5 interview tips for your level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship.

1. Maintain a summary of prior digital marketing experiences 

You must make a list of experiences to show off your already developing digital marketing competencies. Whether that be work experience or a side hustle, anything to show off that you possess a genuine passion and interest for the standard. Some good ideas to include could be:

  • Using social media insights to generate posts (e.g. Instagram Insights)
  • Writing a blog about digital marketing topics
  • Describe how you keep up to date with the latest
  • Create a website with the intent to rank highly on Google

Overall, you want to get across in your interview that the passion for digital marketing resides in you, you just need that real-world practicality and learning to take your skills and knowledge to the next level!

Digital screen displaying LinkedIn

2. Update your LinkedIn profile and other digital channels

When applying for digital apprenticeships it is more crucial than ever that you have set up a LinkedIn account and keep it up to date. If you want to grow your digital marketing connections, an impressive presence on LinkedIn is a must. Hiring managers across different industries use LinkedIn to scout talent before interviews. It allows them to personalise questions and gain a greater insight into an individual’s digital history. So, if you’re not on there… how are they supposed to find you! Even worse, an account that is not up to date could leave an employer questioning your professionalism.

It is also vital that you update any other digital channel where you professionally present yourself. This could be an Instagram account where you sell products or advertise a service. These are the small differences to make your future employer believe in your initiative.

3. Prepare using practice questions

If your interview is 30 minutes long, that is approximately 30 minutes of questions. Therefore, it is key that you practice relevant questions. An example of digital marketing questions could be:

  • What do you like most about digital marketing?
  • What do you like least about digital marketing?
  • What digital marketing platforms and software do you use?
  • What do you think is the biggest challenge in digital marketing, and how are you addressing it?
  • What are the most important qualities for a digital marketer?

These types of questions can be practiced by writing answers down or speaking out loud. However, the most effective way is to practice them with a family member or friend. Through this method, you can also perfect your tone of voice and body language to convey confidence.

4. Be aware of key level 3 digital marketing terminology

Research the most used terms in digital marketing and make a list of them. These can be found on level 3 digital marketing assessment plans. Throughout your preparation for the interview learn and memorise what each term means and what connects them to digital marketing. Some examples that could be on that list:

  • SEO
  • SEM or Search marketing
  • Customer acquisition
  • Conversion rate
  • SERP
  • Impressions
  • CTR
  • CPM
  • CPC
  • CRM
  • ROI

And there are plenty more! Being able to drop these digital marketing terms could give you the edge and impress your interviewer.

5. Research the organisation you have applied for a level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship with

Dropping digital marketing terms into answers on your interview communicates your interest in the standard. However, in addition to this, you also want to pass on your interest in the organisation you have applied for. Be sure to research previous successful (and unsuccessful) digital campaigns that organisation had delivered and follow them on all platforms to keep up to date with new projects. Not only will this tip show you have done your research but display willingness to work on digital campaigns such as these.

Bonus tip!

Now that you have actioned each of these Interview tips for level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship, you are in a much better position to show off your digital marketing competencies before your interview. But there is one final tip that you should know… relax and be yourself! Remember why you have made it to the interview stage and that they are impressed already, now it is time to impress them even more!

Be sure to follow our Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for more digital marketing tips!

Image credits to Unsplash